Thursday, September 10, 2015 – Vintage Thursday, Classic Art 2 Speederbike, Galactic Empire Modernography, First Order: Widescreen 04, Mos Eisley Millennium Falcon
Ever had one of those days where you had to get up super early to go to work and didn’t want to go but you get there and then this happens:
Typical Thursdays. Speaking of which, that means its Vintage day. Today’s card features Leia’s goodbye to Han before he’s frozen in carbonite. Vintage continues to sell out on day one and remains a popular series for many collectors. This is the 7th card in wave 3 of the marathon.
The next Classic Art 2 card to be introduced is the Speederbike Blue variant. This is the second vechicle to appear as a Classic Art card and the 9th straight day we’ve had one drop.
The next Modernography card is Galactic Empire and features the silhouette of a Tie Fighter with a slash behind it. It’s a bit more of what I was expecting how these cards would look. This is the 7th in the series.
We were treated to another First Order: Widescreen card today numbered 04. We get a look at one of their heavy weapons. Since TKs have ended this has been my new favorite series. Still trying to pull a platinum.
and finally, Mos Eisley Millennium Falcon. If you look closely you can see some of what I can only imagine was state of the art special effects. It seems some one has drawn a laser beam on the image with a sharpie, and colored one of the stormtroopers red as well. A few of the stormtroopers in the back must have had a few too many while they were there since they seem to not notice anything going on.
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