Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015 – Savage Opress Bounty, Wicket in Blue, Darth Vader Modern, Widescreen 03, A Royal Variant, Mos Eisley: a Hive of Scum and Villainy

Happy Tuesday! Today will be quick. Mostly updates, but @ToppsDigital dropped one surprise on us today.

Tuesdays is collect Bounties day (mostly & if you’re lucky). Last week was not my week, but this week is starting much better. This week’s bounty is Savage Opress. Finally, someone who I definitely run from if I saw him. Pretty good odds to pull this one too, only 1:30 but only 3000 count. I think that’s better for this set. It seems to not be standing the test of time and probably only hardcore Bounty hunters are still chasing these. Though, if the cards keep getting better we might see a resurgence soon.

We saw a Blue Wicket today. Numbers are up, but not quite as high as they were from pre-force friday drops. Once again, adorable. I expect we’ll get a Gold tomorrow. I thought they were going to mix it up, not just dump these on us?

Darth Vader made an appearance in the next Modernography drop. A pretty cool design. I thought these were supposed to look like insignias like the military uses (like this, or this) at least the first few felt that way. I can’t imagine this Darth Vader one on the sleeve of a stormtrooper. Anyway, this is number 6 of 19.

We’ve got the third First Order: Widescreen dropping in today. A personal favorite of mine, it looks like a battalion of stormtroopers at the ready. I like how they included a commander or something in there with the red shoulder pad. Does Finn wear one of those?

We were treated to a new Mos Eisley card today, this time a scene instead of a character. Our gang perched at the edge of a cliff. Imagine they are looking down on Mos Eisley from there.


Queen Amidala Royal Variant

Queen Amidala Royal Variant

Finally, the big surprise for today was a new variant type called the Royal Variant. I’m not sure if this particular variant is a one off or if we could see other “royals” get this. Or, more likely I think, we will see custom variants for other characters. The mechanics to get the card was pretty simple, turn in a Gold Queen Amidala card to the Smuggler’ Den to get the Royal Variant. What was most interesting was what was going on in the Fan Feed. People were absolutely going out of their minds trying to get Queen Amidala cards of any parallel so they could “bump” their cards up to Gold if they didn’t already have a gold (I didn’t). I actually traded all my Yellow Queens into other Gold cards that I was missing. Yes, that’s right, people were actually offering Gold cards for Yellow Amidalas. Out of their minds. It turned out well for me because later on someone offered greens for my Gold. I guess Golds will be more valuable now to some people. Except, they keep making more. Either through pulling or through the “transmutation” process that is the Smuggler’s Den. They won’t be adding to the Greens someone traded me though. My recommendation. If you have the Gold card or can easily get one. Get the variant. I see no downside. Just don’t go out of your mind chasing it. Patience. You might just find it cheap one day. I’ll get my card if they ever get around to making one for Mas Amedda.

Also, I saw a few complaints on Twitter from UK players who missed out. Their frustration is understandable. I think the Queen Amidala thing happened at around midnight their time. Who knows maybe they’ll get revenge if they drop a special Leia variant in the middle of the night Eastern Time.

May you pull fast and easy.

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