We’re a couple of Star Wars fans that like to play and talk about the Star Wars Card Trader App. I guess you could call us addicted.

I started putting together these checklists because I kept getting confused about what I had vs. what I still needed. When there sets with something like 14 cards times 5 parallels (Storyboards, I’m talking to you!) it’s helpful know what’s what.

Also, it’s been very interesting to see how the odds and total card counts affect the pull rates and values for each card.

All of the information on this site had been gathered from the app, using All Cards and Transmissions feed which, if you didn’t realize this, you can scroll back all the way to their first transmission dated January 22, 2015 and the first announcement for Series 1 Base cards (not ironically titled, “Base Series 1 is here!”) dated March 11, 2015.

A big help (to me and many other people I’m sure) has also been https://swctguide.wordpress.com/ which has been a tremendous resource of information. That site has a lot of excellent detail about weird things that may have happened when a pack was released that may affect a cards future value.

– Mike jacquespusux