Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015 Recap

Journey to Star Wars: the Force Awakens – Day 13: Trooper day! Today’s Green variants: #10 – The Clone Wars begin; #32 – A rescue begins; #33 – Prisoner transfer?; #81 – Finn on the run; #83 – Stormtroopers en route; #97 – The First Order; #101 – Finn’s dilemma. Also, late in the day a free Green variant was given out. It seems that everyone is getting #80 – Spirits of the past.

Digital Watercolors: TIE Fighters.

Signature Series: Sabine Wren. Despite the fact that these are Rebel characters—and not from the movies—I feel like they are kind of special. But, with current frequency of these signatures and so many other lower count cards being released at the same time, I think they are getting lost in the shuffle.

Crimson Base Variant: Bail Organa. Princess Leia’s adoptive father, if you didn’t know.

Comic Pop Art: Today’s quote is one of my favorites: “It’s a trap!”

Space Paintings Series 2: 8th card in wave 1: Rebel Base.

Spectrum/Black Base Variant: Greedo.

Rebel Ceremony Base Variant: As a bookend to the Imperial Grey Base, there is now a variant specifically for the Rebels. This time, you’ll need to first find Leia in the Boba Fett Pack. Then you get access to the Rebel Ceremony Pack where you’ll need to find 5 X-wing pilots. Shred a set of pilots to get Dodonna and then get access to the Rebel Ceremony Hero Pack to find a Luke Skywalker variant at 1:70 odds. Finally, have all 7 Rebel Ceremony variants by 11/17 @ 6:30PM ET to get two more variants: Han Solo and Chewbacca. Whew. Good luck and MTFBWY!

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