Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2015 Recap

Spectrum Base Variant: Boba Fett with accompanying Black base variant.

Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Day 4 – Today’s green variants are: #28 – Han Solo & #109 – “Chewie, we’re home.”

Navy Base Variant: The award for collecting last week’s Crimson variants is Boba Fett.

Crimson Base Variant: Wave 3 starts with Jocasta Nu.

Pack Inserts: If you feel like you missed out on Series 1 of Mint Press even while you’re collecting Series 2, you can now of a pic of the Series 1 pack cover which was the Series 1 Award card, Darth Vader.

Teal Base Variant: It’s the 3rd week of Teals so I think it’s safe to say Teal variants are officially back. Today’s 5 are: Magnaguard, Pre Vizsla, Rune Haako, Sly Moore, and Senator Palpatine. The award for having all 5 by the end of the chase is Savage Opress. MTFBWY.

Imperial Grey Base Variant: This new Base variant is a special Imperial Officer chase. There are 9 cards in the base set available in the Officer’s Pack. Odds are 1:20. There’s also a Smuggler’s Den offer for Grand Moff Tarkin. In order to get him you need to shred all 9 base Grey cards. If you get all 9 Grey variants and have a Grey Tarkin you will get a Grey variant Darth Vader Award card. Oh, and you only have 48 hours to do it. Get to it. The the eagle-eyed you’ll notice I’m spelling this Grey instead of my usual gray because the name of the color is Imperial Grey. Also, since most of the Imperial Officers spoke with British accents I figure I’ll let them have it this time. (Learn more about gray vs. grey.)

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