Weekend, Nov. 14-15, 2015 Recap

Journey to Star Wars: the Force Awakens: It’s X-wing day. Today’s Green variants all feature X-wings or pilots: #11 – Battle over Coruscant; #37 – The Rebel Base; #38 – The Rebellion’s last hope; #39 – Assault on the Death Star; #86 – X-wings in flight; #90 – Poe pilots the X-wing; #93 – Resistance forces in flight; #94 – Poe Dameron’s excitement.

Digital Watercolors: And, guess what? It’s X-wings. These actually look really nice.

Signature Red Variant: 50 count variants of all the Signature cards released so far. I didn’t quite understand what you needed to do to get one. I guess if you purchased a Pink Journey pack or a Red Sig pack (I actually never got to see it in the store) you’d get access to a guaranteed Red Sig card (and/or a 1 of 10 JTTFA Pink variant).

Crimson Base Variant: Pre Vizsla

Comic Pop Art: “This bounty hunter is my kind of scum” featuring Jabba the Hutt.

Space Paintings Series 2: The Bridge.

Faction Team Chase update: The Independent Faction won. Those who pulled a Greedo variant will have a 1 in 6 chance at a Greedo Award card.

Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015

Journey to Star Wars: the Force Awakens – Day 16: Green variants released today: #9 – Battle of Geonosis; #12 – Rematch with Dooku; #14 – Stopping Grievous.

Spectrum/Black Base Variant: Jabba the Hutt.

Digital Watercolors: Heroes!

Crimson Base Variant: AT-AT Driver.

Comic Pop Art: “You are no good to me dead” featuring Boba Fett.

Space Paintings Series 2: Bib Meets the Droids.

Del Rey Book Series: Heir to the Jedi. This is the sixth insert in the series. Still no word yet on length of the set nor any award.

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